Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Catan Online

Just started playing Settlers of Catan. Got so engrossed with it that I had to download an online version of it to play with my friends. I've set up a server in my office. For those who want to play it please obtain the client from http://pio.sourceforge.net and choose "Join private game".

Server name : gazardiel.mine.nu
Port : 5680

There will be a 1 minute gap for all the players to join before the game begins;) Happy catan-ing


After my last trip to KL, its heartening to know that RPG is still alive and well. Seems like the MMU group are taking an active initiative to keep it alive. Me and my friend have decided to create an IRC channel for Malaysian RPG-ers to gather. The channel is called ##myrpg on irc.freenode.net . I'll be adding the blogs of the other RPG-ers to this blog ASAP